

Happy New Year!!!  Yes, I’m back.  Nobody has ever yearned for a new year as much I have.  2013 delivered challenge after challenge after new challenge.  Nonetheless, I am abundantly blessed not only to awaken this morning, but I am giddy with things that are on my horizon in this year.

I am not a resolutions dude, but I am all about routine goal-setting.  When I was on a particular corporate staff, we adopted FranklinCovey’s Four Disciplines of Execution.  From it I learned to focus on one or two Wildly Important Goals (WIGs).  The FranklinCovey website says, “The Wildly Important Goal (WIG) is the one that must be achieved, or nothing else you achieve really matters much.”  I will focus on my WIG for a month or a quarter or however long it takes to achieve it.  I put dates to my WIGs.  I get accountability partners to whom I report.  I focus on the daily activities which become my metrics or leading measurements for my personal scoreboard.  I lost 140 pounds without drugs or surgery by making weight loss my only WIG for eighteen months between 2012-2013.

But this approach sounds like a lot of corporate gobbledygook, right?

You create resolutions every year, but you routinely fall short, no?

Take a look at the website below.  Kani delivers a more human approach to goal-setting.  Adopt her SMART methodology and resolve to stick to your realistic goals.

Whether it is the beginning of a new year, or it’s the twentieth day of any month in the middle of the summer, remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life, and there is no better day than today to plan your successes.

Seize the day!  Success awaits you.  Plan it.